Sargam Registration Form

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SARGAM 2024-25 Audition Guidelines

Group Participation:

  • SARGAM 2024-25 is based on group performances. Each group must consist of a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 8 members.
  • Groups can be from the same city, but individuals can only participate in one group. A participant who has performed with one group cannot perform with another

Audition Video Specifications:

  • Duration: All video auditions must be between 90 to 120 seconds. Any content exceeding the 2-minute limit will not be considered.
  • Recording Format: The audition video should be a raw, unedited recording. Videos recorded in studios or altered using auto-tune or other software will result in disqualification.
  • Performance Quality: Clear pronunciation is required, and the song must be performed in sync with the rhythm, beats, and tempo.

  • SARGAM 2024-25 is open to all Terapanthis
  • There are no age or gender restrictions.
  • If multiple groups are participating from the same city, there is no limitation. However, a person can only be part of one group.
Song Selection:

  • Only Jain religious songs are allowed for the audition. Any deviation from this will result in disqualification.
  • Songs must be free from vulgarity and should not hurt the sentiments of any religion or community. Any violation of this will lead to disqualification.
  • ABTYP expects the songs performed by groups to be original compositions or created within the Terapanth dharmasangh. In case of copyright infringement, the group performing the song will be held responsible.
Judging Process and Code of Conduct:

  • Judges for all rounds will be selected by ABTYP.
  • If any participant engages in misconduct or inappropriate behaviour with the judges or any other individual before, during, or after the event, ABTYP reserves the right to disqualify the participant and their entire group.
  • The final decision on any matter regarding judging or conduct rests solely with ABTYP
Group Changes:

  • If a member of the group who participated in the audition is unable to continue, the group must proceed with the remaining members.
  • If a group has the minimum required number (4 members) and a member drops out, the remaining members will be disqualified.
Travel Expenses:

  • All participating groups are responsible for their own travel expenses for all rounds, including the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals.
Event Dates and Locations:

  • The dates and locations for all rounds, including quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals, will be decided and finalized by ABTYP.
Submission Deadline:

  • The last date to submit the audition video is 15th February 2025.
  • ABTYP Rights and Discretion
  • ABTYP reserves the right to make changes to the location, dates, and format of the event.
  • Any part of the performance submitted in the audition may be used by ABTYP on its social media platforms without requiring permission from the group or team.
  • The National President of ABTYP holds the final decision on all matters.

Important Notes:

  • ABTYP reserves the right to make changes to the event structure, including but not limited to changes in dates, locations, and team coordination.
  • All decisions by ABTYP will be final and binding.
  • Only Jain songs are allowed for this competition.
  • There are no age or gender restrictions for participants.


   I agree to   terms & conditions.
Contact for more info :
Arpit Nahar: +91 9427579435
Vishal Pitaliya: +91 9738213220
Nilesh Teba: +91 94288 74747
Ronak Sarnot: +91 9714141474
Tushar Surana : +91 9414010277